Tuesday, July 27, 2010

the_daily_rebel / / issue #3

First, let's start out with exciting news, only 1 week until our 2nd issue "The Moral Issue" is set to be released. All the hard work for the past 2 months will finally pay, for about an hour and then on to the next months issue.

It's great to see all of the support we have gotten, our friends for the face book page has passed 200!, so hello to all of the new members, thanks for showing your support. And if it isn't to much trouble invite all of your friends to join, and then have there friends invite their friends, and so on, and so on.


Have you guys checked our our website www.rebel4men.com?
There you can find a lot of articles, videos, and discussions that can't be found in the magazine. This month, we interviewed 11 year baseball veteran, who spent 8 years as the Pittsburgh Pirates left fielder, Al Martin. Here you can find a great article/interview with Al Martin, along with videos and a discussion board for your comments.
( http://www.rebel4men.com/articles/culture-shock/life-outside-cage )


And since it's summer here's a quick "did you know...."
Did you know (pros) of sunscreen
--Without sunscreen or sunblock, your body absorbs nearly all of the sun’s rays, which greatly increases the risk of sunburn and possible skin cancer.
--Wearing sunscreen continually over a long period of time (years) helps keep your skin looking younger.
Did you know (cons) of sunscreen
--Five of the commonly found chemicals used in UVB screens behaved like oestregen in lab tests, making cancer cells grow more rapidly. Three of them caused developmental defects in animals.
--Sunscreens and sunblocks containing PABA, which most common ones do, have been found to actually damage DNA.

click here to find out some great brands to buy when going out into the sun
( http://www.rebel4men.com/articles/lifestyle/sunscreen-or-not-sunscreen )

Here is the comment of the week, we always love recommendations, especially ways to save money. Thanks Lexie!

"Over spring break i took a trip to Sonoma, California and did the whole vineyard tour thing- but I went to private vineyards that are less well known they were great and much cheaper then the mainstream ones!
Sonoma is beautiful this time of year and there a lot of cute little restaurants and coffee shops around there too"

Remember to post your thoughts on rebel4men.com

Thanks for all the support
Ill leave with a quote from one of my favorite rebels.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
--Nelson Mandela

Until next time,

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